Thursday, November 25, 2010

Juvenile Crime

        Juvenile delinquency refers to antisocial or illegal behavior by children or adolescents and is considered a serious problem all over the world. It is caused by social, economic and cultural factors. This juvenile criminality is apparant in marginal sectors of urban areas where children are exposed to violence in their immediate social environment, either as observers or as victims. Because delinquents basic education, if they have any, is poor they have been marginalized from society and distituted of any dignity or self esteem. Although most legal systems prescribe specific procedures for dealing with young criminals, such as juvenile detention centers and suppression, appoaches to prevent deliquency should also include measures to instill equality and justice, fight poverty and create an atmosphere of hope and peace among youth. These preventive policies should be given priorities over any coercive measures.

      Socioeconomic opportunities and administrative services should be provided in rural areas to discourage young people from migrating to urban areas. Similarly, youth from poor urban settings should benefit from plans that focus on education, employmnent and access to leisure programmes , especially during long school holidays. Young people who drop out of school or come from broken families should have access to specific social programmes that help them become responsible adults.

        Information campaigns should be planned to sensitize youth to be aware of the detrimental effects of violence on the family, community and society, to teach them how to communicate without violence. Focus on the importance of family should become a priority because it is the primary institution of socialization of youth and continues to play an important role in the prevention of juvenile delinquency and underage crime.


  1. Juvenile crime is affected by economic factors
    a. true
    b. false
  2. Migration might be another cause of juvenile criminality
    a. true
    b. false.
  3. Family is not an important factor when dealing with juvenile criminality
    a. true
    b. false.
  4. Suppression is not an option when dealing with juvenile criminality
    a. true
    b. false

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